Thursday, 8 September 2016

Improvements to the Object-Oriented API

For years now, Pyrrho has offered an object-oriented API for C#, and will generate a C# class definition for any base table for any given database and role. Tutorials offered demos of how these classes could be extended by adding in relational data, and over the years versioning was added so that all such C# classes are subclasses of Versioned.
The mechanisms have now been enhanced in the following important ways:
  1. Full class definitions are now available for Views and structured types as well as base tables,
  2. Deep structure is supported: Pyrrho will define nested classes for subjects in tables or views, and for user-defined types. (All such classes are Versioned too)
  3. The Versioned base class now includes a readCheck in addition to a row Check.
As discussed in this blog, for base tables, the row Check is a row version validator in the sense of Laiho and Laux's paper, and for other data may be an ETag in the sense of RFC 7232. In complex cases (e.g. results that do not correspond directly to base table rows) either or both may be empty.
The readCheck is for checking later whether the query used to obtain the data would get the same results.
Class definitions can be found in the "Role$Class" table.Such a class C can then be used with the database connection with the following methods added to the usual IDbConnection interface:
  • C FindOne()
  • C[] FindWith(string where)
  • C[] FindAll()
  • Post(C s)
  • Put(C s)
  • Delete(C s)
  • Check(string check)
  • Check(string check,string readCheck)
Triggers and generated columns apply, and Post and Put update affected fields of s along with the Versioned values.

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