Friday, 27 February 2015

Version 5.2 enhancements

The 5.2 version of Pyrrho has some extra metadata features, for example, to enable navigation through ERM relationships when generating XML, and to perform data visualisations for views and functions. For better compliance with the SQL standard, metadata is only added or managed in ALTER statements.

A number of SQL features have been improved, for example, IN OUT INOUT and RESULT for parameters, and the operation of triggers. Pyrrho continues to relax SQL restrictions on constraints, generated always, and default values: all of these can contain arbitrary SQL.
Pyrrho's REST service also generates Json.

The open source 5.2 release includes a set of unit tests based on the samples on the Pyrrho web site and the Pyrrho manual. The Tpcc benchmark is also in the distribution.
In the open source distribution, the SourceIntro document and the spreadsheet of C# classes have both been updated.

As usual when there have been many changes, there will doubtless be many bugs to sort out, and I as usual request people to let me know about anything that does not seem to work.

As time allows I will continue testing Pyrrho's Mongo service. In the future I want to add another abstraction layer to Pyrrho's type system, as I don't think the physical database should maintain names of columns of structures since these are role-dependent in Pyrrho. I would like to add syntax to allow the multiplicity of foreign-key relationships to be specified (SQL only supports [0..1,0..]).

An interesting wrinkle relates to when a database can be written to by PUBLIC. Pyrrho will in future record the login identities of any such.

SQL's CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_ROLE keywords only refer to the first database in the current connection (Pyrrho allows connection to a list of databases) but Pyrrho's Sys$KnownRoles system table gives details for all databases in the current connection.

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